Shelter House, Inc. is a fraudulent organization. They collect donations and get celebrities to attend fund raisers. They collect about $4 million from various sources and do not hold promises made to house owners and other entities.


However this money is used for salaries of personnel listed on the website www.ShelterHouse.Org

They operate under following names:

Katherine K. Hanley Family Shelter

Shelter House, Inc.

Patrick Henry Family Shelter

Artemis House


They have sham and fraudulent operations. They entice owners to sign on their website. The sole intent of the organization is to collect funds from your donations, government organiztions, United Way etc. for salaries of personnel listed on website. In order to achieve this sole objective of salary collection they will try to place homeless, not so good tenants onto private owner's properties. The metrics of their success is to get a person into owner's property. This way they show that many persons were taken off streets to collect more donations and more salary for future for persons listed on web site.


Beware of the scam they are running. They will send a promissory generic letter to tenant. This does not have any Shelter House office bearer signature or property owner's name. Even when they sign and send promissory letter they do NOT honor with payment in timely manner and in most instances never follow through with payment. If you have had similar experience as owner, want to pursue claims for donations made which were not used for intended purpose of helping others (rather than salary collection), misuse of tax payer funds, or signed promissory note never being honored by issuing payment to property owner let's support each other.
